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Green Algae Balls On Australia Beach

21 Sep 2014

Before I worked for Sanco I used to drive by ponds and lakes without even noticing them!  Now it seems I can't look at a pond or any body of water the same.  News stories about bodies of water always spark my interest especially when the headline is "Where did the green 'alien eggs' come from?"

All beaches experience algae and seaweed that wash up onto the shore, but the beaches in Australia are experiencing something a little different, green algae balls.  The way in which the algae balls are perfectly shaped and the vibrant green color is what set them apart from other ship wrecked growth.   Scientists believe these unique and rare algae balls are due to perfect Spring conditions combined with high tide.  The green algae balls are more often seen in freshwater in the northern hemisphere.

If you are a pond owner and dealing with green alien type growth contact the experts at Sanco.  We may have an algae control product to help control your nuisance algae.