Need Green Dye for St. Patrick's Day
Sanco has two varieties of St. Patrick's Day green dye! Here are a couple photos that show the difference between the two colors. Adding green dye to a body of water can take your St. Patrick's Day celebration to the next level. We have several annual events that we provide green dye to tint their water ways.
Pond Weeds and Algae Under Ice
People often notice pond weeds and algae growing late in the season when freezing conditions are beginning to develop. This brings to mind the question: What exactly happens to pond weeds and algae in the winter?
Green Moss In My Pond
Filamentous algae is often referred to as green moss, pond scum, sea weed etc... Filamentous is a more scientific term for the type of growth pictured below. This type of algae is one of the most common types of algae found in a pond and fairly easy to control...
Southern States Still Fighting Red Algae
We received a call a couple weeks ago from a pond owner in Texas that had a rusty tint to his pond. After seeing the pictures we identified his rusty colored film as a type of red algae. This algae usually starts out as green and then changes to red when it blooms...
Phases of Pond Treatment
Below is a customers photo documentation of a 3 phase sequence of pond recovery. We worked with this customer to identify his pond problems, give him a treatment protocol, and he did the application.
Muck Doctor Lake Muck Remover
Muck Doctor is one of our beneficial lake bacteria products. Muck Doctor is a highly concentrated pond bacteria that comes as a hard pressed spike. This product is great when used to reduce muck in a targeted area...
Why are my pond products not working?
Typically when someone calls in and says their pond products aren't working the first question we ask is what are their goals. What are they trying to achieve?
What is growing in my pond?
What is that in my pond? This is a common question that gets asked and to say it is green isn't a good enough answer for us. Often times we recommend our customers submit photos of their pond weeds and algae for us to identify before we tell them what product to use...
Our Pond Looks Wonderful
Helpful advise results in beautiful looking ponds! We recently gave a customer the same advise we post on our blogs and over the phone on a daily basis. This advise is simple, but can make a drastic change in the health of your pond.
Benefits of Muck Doctor
With a little TLC, your unsightly body of water can be transformed into a beautiful usable pond. In most cases transforming a pond is fairly simple. Pinpointing what your problems are, finding a solution and applying the product on a regular basis is all it takes.