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Blog posts of '2014' 'February'

Pond Champs Dredging Service
Pond Champs offers a unique dredging service that differs from traditional mechanical or suction dredging.
Dredging Methods
There are several types of lake dredging methods to be considered when faced with a dredging project.
Dredging Service for Ponds
In the past ponds have been mechanically dredged. It was a tedious and costly operation that was necessary, but always a pain. Another drawback of mechanical dredging is the toll that it can take on a pond. Luckily for pond owners everywhere Pond Champs has a new way to dredge ponds...
Need Green Dye for St. Patrick's Day
Sanco has two varieties of St. Patrick's Day green dye! Here are a couple photos that show the difference between the two colors. Adding green dye to a body of water can take your St. Patrick's Day celebration to the next level. We have several annual events that we provide green dye to tint their water ways.