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Tomato Booster

30 Dec 2010

Growing tomatoes isn’t difficult but growing great looking and tasting tomatoes can be hard.  To ensure you have the best tomatoes possible use TNT Tomato Booster.  Tomato plants need consistent proper fertilization to produce abundant harvests.  TNT Tomato Booster is a balanced formula that will boost your tomato plant’s harvest.

When looking for a tomato fertilizer you need to look for three numbers on the packaging.  These numbers represent how much Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potassium are in the concentration.  All fertilizers contain some form of these three ingredients, but it is at what rate each are present that will determine the growth potential.

For example, TNT Tomato Booster has a fertilizer ratio of 5-16-12.  If your Nitrogen was higher your tomato plant would be tall, very green and leafy, but have very little tomatoes.  This is why the Nitrogen is only 5.  The Phosphorous is the highest at 16 because this number contributes to blooming and fruit growth.  Potassium stimulates root growth, which is also very important in water and nutrient absorbing. 

When looking to purchase a tomato fertilizer you want to pay attention to the amount of Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potassium to maximize your fruit growth instead of the leaf growth.

For more information on Sanco’s TNT Tomato Booster contact our helpful customer service staff.