Clean drinking water plays a pivotal role in the health of any person or animal. That is why having a clean water supply for your livestock is so important. Many people take the time to hand wash these tanks. Hand washing can be effective, but takes lots of time and energy. Using the products below will get watering tanks as clean as possible without having to hand wash.
Stock Plex is a copper sulfate based solution that is sure to get rid of algae in a watering tank. By simply pouring ¼ oz. of Stock Plex into a tank holding up to 250 gallons of water, livestock owners can be reassured that their animals are drinking from a clean watering tank, without having to physically wash the tank themselves. Stock Plex is safe for animals like cattle, horses, and dogs, but it is advised not to use for sheep.
Mineral & Organic Buildup
Natural Stock Tank Care consists of sinking, dissolvable tablets that contain beneficial bacteria. These tablets are designed to help remove mineral buildup, rust stains, and other debris that can accumulate in the water tanks over time.
Contact our office for any other questions!