If you own a pond, pond algae treatments are a necessary part of pond maintenance. However, there are several things you should do to slow down pond algae growth. Pond algae treatments are necessary and when applied correctly safe for fish and wildlife, the fewer treatments the better. The expression “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” should be every pond owner’s motto.
Preventive pond maintenance and pond algae treatments are often placed on parallels, never intersecting. What pond owners don’t realize is these two things are part of a continuous, cause/effect circle. The more effort you put towards preventive care the less algae growth you are going to have. So, what is preventive pond maintenance? Preventive pond care is when you create an environment unconducive for weeds and algae to grow. There are several ways to implement preventive pond care to help slow down pond algae growth.
Use Pond Dye
Use Pond Bacteria
Be Careful with Fertilizers
When pond owners choose not to use pond dye, they are fighting an uphill battle. Pond owners that refuse to try pond dye will have to apply pond algae treatments much more frequently. Sanco has three different colors of pond dye to choose from: Crystal Blue, Ocean Blue, and Black Out.
The use of pond bacteria helps maintain muck levels. Muck is a combination of dead leaves, algae, weeds, and fish debris. Left untreated, muck builds up and becomes a feast for algae. Our Natural Pond Cleaner is a maintenance dose, but we also have a more concentrated pond bacteria that will reduce muck levels around beach and dock areas much quicker than maintenance doses.
Lastly, being careful with the application of lawn fertilizers can slow pond algae growth, which results in fewer pond algae treatments. We suggest keeping a 15-20ft band around the pond that you DO NOT apply lawn fertilizers. This band will allow fertilizers to be filtered before it reaches the pond. People use lawn fertilizers to make their grass green and lush. When fertilizer runs into the pond, it is going to have the same effect.
We want to remind pond owners that preventive pond care is not done to stop algae growth or to completely cut out your normal pond algae treatment. The purpose of preventive pond care is to make algae more manageable when it starts and to reduce the number/frequency of pond algae treatments to maintain a beautiful pond.
New to this Pond Algae Treatment blog series? You can catch up below. If you are still struggling with your pond algae treatment, contact us.
Part 1: Different Algae Require Different Pond Algae Treatment
Part 2: When Do I Start Pond Algae Treatment?
Part 3: Will Pond Algae Treatment Hurt My Fish?
Part 4: Why Is My Pond Algae Worse Than My Neighbors?
Part 5: Tips To Slow Down Pond Algae Growth (Current Blog Post)