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Rust Treatment

16 Dec 2010

Sanco’s rust treatment product, Rust Kutter, has proven to be well worth the money.  It has saved many pieces of large farm equipment such as: trailers, fencing, gates, tractors, and tools.  A benefit to using a rust treatment product is that there is very little preparation unlike a rust remover.  Rust Kutter doesn’t remove rust it simply stops the rust from progressing. 

The most common question we get from our customers using Rust Kutter is, how long does it take to dry.  When you are treating a piece for rust this will be the worst part…waiting for the product to dry.  On our label we state Rust Kutter takes approximately 24 hours to dry.  However, depending on the size of the job and the weather this could vary.  It is similar to paint.  If you are simply touching up your walls, the paint will dry much quicker than if you painted the entire room.  If you are in a very humid area it is going to take longer for paint to dry.  You can use these scenarios and apply them to when you are using a rust treatment product.  Humid areas take longer to dry, and large projects may also take longer to dry. 

Even if you have to wait longer than 24 hours for a piece to dry, a rust treatment product can save you time and money in the long run.  The cost of replacing equipment isn’t worth waiting an extra couple of days on a larger piece of equipment.  Sanco provides a FAQ section specifically for Rust Kutter on our site.  Contact Sanco for more information on our rust treatment product, Rust Kutter.