
Pro Brush & Poison Ivy Killer

Herbicide for Woody Plants, Brush & Broadleaf Weeds
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Liquid Harvest Pro Brush and Poison Ivy Killer is a post-emergent herbicide that provides control of most woody plants and brush, as well as annual and perennial broadleaf weeds. Formulated as a low volatile ester, the combination of triclopyr and 2,4-D provides outstanding weed control in both cool and warm weather.

  • Provides excellent control of brush and woody plants
  • Controls broadleaf weeds with no harm to turf
  • Low volatility formulation
  • Can be applied by all types of sprayers
  • Rainfast within 2 hours post application
  • Flexible application timing - can be applied in-season or during dormant periods
  • Apply to actively growing foliage for best results

For Use on Turf: 

Broadleaf treatment of commercial and recreational turf, commercial sod farms

Apply 2 to 4 pints (0.5 to 1 lb. 2, 4-D ai) of Pro Brush and Poison Ivy Killer in enough water to make 20 to 200 gallons total spray per acre to control broadleaf weeds growing in tall fescue, bluegrass, or perennial ryegrass turf. Do not use on other grass species, such as bentgrass or St. Augustine grass, unless injury can be tolerated.

Restrictions for broadcast application on commercial, recreational turf:

Generally, the lower application rates within the specified range will provide satisfactory control of sensitive weed species. The higher the application rates within the specied range will be required for dense infestations of perennial weeds, for adverse/extreme environmental conditions, or for weeds hardened off or more mature.


  • Limited to 2 applications per year
  • Use a maximum of 4 pints of product (1.5 lbs. 2,4-D ai) per acre per application
  • The maximum seasonal rate is 8 pints of product per acre (2 lbs. 2,4-D ai/A), excluding spot treatments

Informational Sheet

View SDS for Pro Brush & Poison Ivy Killer

View Label for Pro Brush & Poison Ivy Killer



Pro Brush and Poison Ivy Killer currently has shipping restrictions or is not EPA registered in these locations: AK, AR, AZ, CA, CT, DC, HI, KS, LA, MA, MD, ME, MN, ND, NE, NJ, NV, NY, OR, RI, SD, TX*, UT, WA

We do not ship internationally or outside the contiguous 48 United States.

*Texas has restrictions on sizes that can be shipped. If interested in ordering a quart, please contact our office.