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Pond Weed Control

04 Apr 2011

Few things can compare to relaxing by the shore of your backyard pond on a beautiful summer day. So it makes sense that if problems arise in your little oasis you would want to nip them in bud. One specific problem warrants a quick reaction, as it could blossom out of control right before your eyes; pond weed control. Pond weed control requires a systematic approach that will solve the root cause and the resulting symptoms as well. 

Correcting your aquatic vegetation problem starts with identifying the type of weed you are facing. Don’t waste money on algaecides or herbicides that will have no effect on your weed type. Once you identify the culprit you need to find the source of its growth. This is typically either too many nutrients entering your pond or too many shallow areas. 

  • Too many nutrients usually lead to filamentous or planktonic algae growth. Filamentous algae are stringy and resemble green fiberglass insulation. Planktonic algae give the water a thick green color.  Algae can be treated with Sanco's algaecide Crystal Plex. 
  • Shallow areas, one to two feet, are optimal spots for pond weeds to grow. This is in part due to improper shoreline slopes creating shallow weed-prone edges.  Treat submerged and floating pond weeds with Tsunami DQ.

Once you identify the cause of your pond weed problem and address it, you can treat your pond accordingly. Sanco offers a full line of pond weed control chemicals aimed at creating a beautiful and enjoyable body of water.

Contact us today to find out what you need to manage your pond successfully for years to come.