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Pond Treatment Equipment

26 Jun 2014

If you are considering self treating your pond it is important you have the proper equipment so that you get the most out of your time and your product.  Maintenance products like pond dye and pond bacteria are easy to apply.  Crystal Blue and Natural Pond Cleaner can be poured into the pond at the rate of 1 gallon to 1 acre with an average depth of 4-6 feet deep every 30 days or when color dissipates.  Wear gloves to prevent staining on hands.

However, when controlling weeds and algae we recommend you have the following equipment:


Paddle boat


Safety glasses

Weed Razer/Weed Rake

When using algaecides and herbicides it is best to apply as a spray application.  You will get more out of the product and the treatment will be more effective because you are targeting the growth.  A two gallon hand pump sprayer will work for shoreline treatments and for small ponds.  For larger ponds you may need to use an ATV with a spraying unit.  A paddle boat or canoe will help when trying to treat the middle of your pond.

You can also use our weed cutting tools to help supplement chemical treatments.  The Weed Razer will cut pesky weeds back, and then use the Weed Rake to rake them out of the pond for immediate results.

For more information on pond treatment contact the experts at Sanco.