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Pond Sludge Removal

10 May 2011

Pond sludge is made up of all the organic matter that settles in the bottom of a pond. This could be leaves that break down and turn to mush, weeds and algae that have died off over the years, and fish excrement. There are a couple ways of taking care of your pond sludge problem.  One solution is to have an expensive mechanical dredge of your pond done. The other option is going with the all natural biological dredge.

Pond sludge will only get worse over the years, it doesn’t just go away. Sanco has a product that is absolutely amazing when it comes to eating away at the sludge.  Muck Doctor is designed for the average homeowner who is looking to clean up swimming areas, shorelines, or around docks.   Sanco also offers Excavate for the larger jobs like college campuses or housing additions.  We recommend the Excavate is professionally applied by our treatment specialists.

This product is full of live enzymes that will break down all that dead vegetation/pond sludge at the bottom of your pond. After only a few weeks you will start noticing crater like holes where the product was applied.

After successfully treating for your pond sludge you will have a deeper pond, as well as a pond floor that isn’t full of nutrients that weeds and algae feed off of. Pond sludge is nuisance for the clean swimming pond, so take care of it before it gets uncontrollable.  

For more information on how to manage your pond sludge Contact Sanco Industries