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Pond Products

27 Jan 2011

Sanco Industries was established in 1991 and has specialized in providing pond owners with a wide variety of pond products that will solve nearly any pond problem.  The next time you travel look for bodies of water along the road.  You will see some that make you want to pull over and take a photograph while others are difficult to distinguish from the surrounding landscape because they are so over grown.  Those ponds that deserve a photograph are probably well maintained and use some form of pond maintenance products

There are 4 basic pond products that a pond owner should know about.  Pond dye, pond bacteria, algaecide, and herbicides are all pond products that you will probably have to use at some point.

  • Pond Dye: Usually come in a variety of colors. Pond dye’s tint your pond a beautiful color. 
  • Pond Bacteria:  Bacteria consume the waste from the pond floor.  This waste encourages algae and weed growth, so by minimizing it you can slow the growth of algae and weeds.
  • Algaecide:  Usually a copper sulfate based pond product that can be applied in several different ways.  Copper sulfate will turn your algae mats into a whitish/grey or brown color, then the algae will sink to the bottom with a heavy rainfall.
  • Herbicides: There are two different kinds of herbicides you should be aware of.  Depending on the growth in your pond will determine which one you should be using.  Some herbicides are for submerged/floating weeds while others are foremerged weeds like cattails.

With some basic knowledge of pond products it makes maintaining your pond pretty easy.  Identify your problem and research the product that controls that problem. 

If you need help identifying your problem please Contact Sanco.