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Pond Muck Removal

19 Jan 2011

Pond muck removal is an important step when caring for the overall health of your pond. Omitting this can result in a variety of maladies that will plague your small lake or pond. While some muck buildup is to be expected and needed for a healthy pond.

Here are some problems you could face with too much muck.

  • As muck breaks down it releases nutrients into the water. Without beneficial pond bacteria absorbing the nutrients released, your pond becomes an incubator for algae and aquatic vegetation.
  • Excessive muck in public areas used for swimming cause the bottom to become slippery and unsafe.
  • Without proper pond muck removal, your pond is slowly becoming filled with dead vegetation. This brings the pond bed closer or within the range to allow aquatic plants to grow and possibly become a nuisance.

Sanco has all the chemicals to make your pond into your personal oasis. Contact us with for more information about our pond and lake products.