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Pond Dye

06 Mar 2011

Sanco Industries has been keeping ponds clean and clear since 1991 with our pond dye, Crystal Blue.  If you have ever used Sanco’s Crystal Blue before, you know it makes your pond a beautiful shade of natural blue.  By now you also know that Sanco’s pond dye won’t harm fish, visiting wildlife, or your grandchildren that like to swim in your pond. 

However, many people are skeptical of pond dyes.  We would like to clear any skepticism up about our product.  The primary ingredient in Crystal Blue is Acid Blue 9.  Sounds kind of scary doesn’t it.  I know I wouldn’t want to swim in acid.  Acid Blue 9 is actually used in many everyday items that you consume and use.  The same Acid Blue 9 in our pond dye is also used as a colorant in foods such as ice cream, candy, and sports drinks.  Acid Blue 9 is also used in many hygiene products. 

Our pond dye contains a higher percentage of Acid Blue 9 compared to some of these everyday products, but we are also coloring 1 acre of water or approximately 1.5 million gallons of water.  The only precaution you should take around Sanco’s Crystal Blue pond dye is to be careful not to get it on your skin or clothing because it will stain.  Once diluted, the Acid Blue 9 is just like any other product with this ingredient.

If you do stain your skin, wash with a bleach water mixture and wait a couple of days.  The color will begin to fade over time.  If you spill Crystal Blue, you will first want to use an absorbent.  Do not add water, the dye will just spread.  Once you have the majority of the pond dye soaked up you will then wash the surface with a bleach water mixture.

For additional information on Saco’s pond dye Contact Us.