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Pond Dredging

22 Mar 2011

Over time ponds will build up dead vegetation, fish waste, grass clippings, and runoff material.  We have seen build up as deep as 5 feet.  This build up can cause major pond problems like uncontrolled algae and weed growth, bad odor, murky water, and low oxygen levels.  This is why pond dredging is a term every pond owner should be familiar with. 

Mechanical pond dredging is the conventional way of dredging a pond.  Mechanical pond dredging consists of draining your pond and bringing in heavy equipment to scoop the material from the pond floor onto your shore.  The material sits on your shore until it dries out and then has to be hauled away as hazardous waste.  The process of mechanical dredging is time consuming, costly, ruins surround landscape, and overall unpleasant. 

This is why it is important to have a regular pond maintenance program that consists of using beneficial pond bacteria.  If you help maintain the build up from one year to the next by using maintenance products like Natural Pond Cleaner you will most likely be able to avoid mechanical pond dredging.

For a severe pond sludge build up a more concentrated beneficial pond bacteria should be used.  Sanco has four levels of beneficial pond bacteria.

  • Natural Pond Cleaner- maintenance dose that should be used at least 1 time a month to neutralize runoff and fish waste.
  • Natural Pond Cleaner Water Soluble Packs-  more concentrated than the liquid.  Can be used every month and should be used if you have killed lots of algae or weeds.
  • Muck Doctor-  the most concentrated beneficial pond bacteria.  Comes in a spike form.  Used for deep sludge deposits around beach and dock areas. 
  • Excavate- a commercially applied biological pond dredging alternative.  If you have considered mechanically dredging your pond then Excavate is the alternative for you.  Excavate will remove up to 6 inches of muck in 30 days with now mess!

 For a personalized quote or additional information on pond dredging Contact us!