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Pond Care for a Natural Pond

When the topic of pond care is brought up, many pond owners will say, “I like a natural pond…so I don’t really need to worry about pond care.” This statement couldn’t be further from the truth. Here at Sanco we like natural looking ponds too. What most pond owners don’t know is, even the most natural looking ponds are maintained monthly. Our goal is not to sterilize a pond, but to keep it maintained so that it stays healthy and can support life.

In this part of our DIY Pond Care Series we will discuss pond care for a natural pond and the consequences of not treating your pond. Ponds are living eco systems. The presence of some growth is a sign your pond is healthy and can support life. The purpose of natural pond care is to keep growth under control, not eliminated. Pond Care falls under two classifications: preventive and curative.

Preventive pond care is the use of pond dye and pond bacteria monthly and can be compared to exercising and eating right to maintain your own health. I know what most of you are thinking… I said natural and I don’t want to use pond dye! I urge you to go back to the example of your bodies overall health; if you eat right but don’t exercise there will be consequences. Both tasks, eating right and exercising, go hand in hand. Pond dye is a necessary part of natural pond care and there are a variety of colors to choose from to give you a 100% natural appearance. Regular use of pond dye and pond bacteria will help keep growth manageable.

Curative pond care is the use of algaecides and herbicides to keep pond weeds and algae under control. This can be compared to taking an antibiotic when you are ill. We encourage pond owners to treat sections of their pond for weeds and algae. Pond weeds are treated with an herbicide and pond algae is treated with copper products, algaecides. Designate areas that you are going to be using for recreational use, like beach and dock areas. Treat these spots with algaecides and herbicides to keep weed growth at bay. Other areas of the pond can be left alone or spot treated.

Pond dye and pond bacteria should be used monthly or whenever the dye starts to fade. Pond algaecides and herbicides should be used as needed. Most of the time you will start to treat for pond weeds and algae when water temperatures warm up.

Failure to implement any pond care can result in and unsightly pond and worse, fish kill. Letting pond growth take over a pond will eventually choke a pond resulting in a fish kill and lots of catch up to get the growth back under control.

Even the most natural looking ponds require some sort of pond care. Contact us if you have DIY pond care questions and we will do everything we can to help.

Don’t miss Part 3 of our DIY Pond Care series next Monday on Preventive Pond Care. We will be discussing more preventive pond care tips to help minimize the use of algaecides and herbicides.

Part 1: Before…Pond Care

Part 2: Pond Care…I Like a Natural Pond (Current Post)

Part 3: Preventive Pond Care

Part 4: Curative Pond Care

Part 5: Pond Care Expectations