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Pond Algae Treatment

25 Apr 2011

Algae can begin to appear as soon as ice melts off of a pond.  It is very tempting to treat your green patches of algae immediately but you could be wasting your time and money by treating too early in the season.  Instead of using your eyes to determine if it is time to treat your pond algae you should be monitoring the water temperature.

While your algae may be green and look like it is flourishing, if the water temperatures are below 40ºF your algae isn’t actively absorbing nutrients.  If your algae isn’t absorbing nutrients it is not going to absorb your algaecide either.

The best thing to do in early spring is to make sure you are using pond dye and beneficial pond bacteria to ensure you are preventing an early bloom.  Monitor your temperatures and use Crystal Plex when water temperatures are appropriate for pond algae treatments. 

Once you have sprayed your algae, you will notice a change in the color of the algae from green to yellowish brown or grey.  This is the first indication that the algaecide worked.  Once the algae is dead it will continue to float on the surface until a rainfall sinks it to the bottom.

*Note:  Be sure to only treat a portion of your pond at a time to avoid oxygen depletion and possible fish kill.

For additional tips on treating your pond algae contact our helpful staff.