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Pond Aeration

23 Dec 2010

Pond aeration is very important for the health of your pond and for your fish.  If you are aerating your pond, you are putting dissolved oxygen in your pond, which can help prevent fish kill. Pond aeration can happen in different ways.  Three of the most common ways oxygen is introduced into your pond water are:

  1. Natural Pond Aeration- Natural pond aeration occurs when you have wind that creates ripples across the surface of your pond.
  2. Fountain Pond Aeration- Fountains are anchored in the center of your pond and spray water in various patterns up into the air.
  3. Pond Aerators- Aerators are systems that have a pump on the shore and weighted airline running along the pond floor to a diffuser that sits on the pond floor.  The diffuser forces tiny bubbles to the surface of the pond.  This usually looks like a small plume or ripples on the surface of the pond.

As you can see pond aeration can happen in various ways; however, some ways are much better and more efficient than others.  Natural pond aeration is the least effective because oxygen is just being introduced into the water when the wind is blowing and the oxygen is only at the top layer of your pond.  Fountains aerate the pond to an extent simply because the water that is being shot into the air returns to the surface of your pond with oxygen.  Unfortunately, most fountains only aerate the top 1 or 2 feet of the pond and are more for aesthetic purpose.  The most effective pond aeration system is an actual aeration system that will push dissolved oxygen from the pond floor to the surface.  This keeps your entire water column moving, which prevents stratification and fish kill.   

Contact Sanco for more information on pond aeration.