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Pay Attention to Your Pipes

06 Jul 2014

It is important to pay attention to your pipes!  Septic pipes can be clogged for various reasons like an obstruction in the pipe, tree roots, break in the pipe etc…The first signs of a septic trouble is slow flowing toilets.  Ask these questions to start eliminating possible causes:

  1. Ask all children in the house if      they flushed their sister’s favorite toy down the toilet.
  2. Survey the spot where your septic      line comes out of your house.  It      will be a white tube sticking up out of the ground; usually in the landscaping      on the side of the house your septic tank is located.  Are their trees planted near the septic      line?
  3. Has heavy equipment went over the      area where your septic line was run, or are there any tree stakes driven      into the ground in that area?

If 1 or 3 end up being the issue we do not have a solution for you, but if you suspect that tree roots are the culprit for your slow flowing toilets Sanco can help.  Root Destroyer is a copper based septic root killing product.  Root Destroyer will kill the roots in your septic line without harming the tree.

For any questions on Root Destroyer or any other product offered by Sanco Industries please contact us today.