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Green Pond Water

17 Feb 2011

Not many things can surpass the joy of a quiet afternoon on the lake, especially for those lucky enough to possess a pond of their own. What can really ruin your day is a pond oozing with green globs of surface algae. Or worse the whole pond turns to a sickly green. Dealing with green pond water is simple with a systematic approach.

In controlled populations planktonic algae provide a solid basis for your pond’s ecosystem. When you start seeing your pond turning into “pea soup”, it’s time for an intervention.

First, and sometimes the hardest part, is to find the cause for your green water problem. Just throwing algaecides at it will only solve the problem in the short-term. Green water means algae growth. Two primary factors encourage excessive algae growth; over abundance of nutrients and too much direct sunlight.

Shallow areas allow for warmer water and more aggressive growth of planktonic algae when direct sunlight is involved. Ponds with this problem will experience the worst outbreaks during the long summer months. In this case, adding floating aquatic plants can shade the water, but not much else can be done.

Shallow areas can be deepened to keep water temperatures cooler.

Abundant nutrients, phosphates and nitrogen, can be introduced by agriculture run-off or lawn fertilization. Use  pond bacteria to help neutralize run-off. Contact a local landscaping, pond maintenance contractor to find options to redirect the run-off away from your pond.

Sanco offers high-quality pond maintenance products combined with sound pond problem advice. We make dealing with green pond water easy. Contact us today with your pond issues, or to learn more about your full line of pond chemicals.