This is an important time of the season to continue pond maintenance, however, seasonal temperatures will determine which pond treatments you will be able to continue. Last week we discussed late season growth, what to look for, and some factors that may limit your ability to treat late season growth. One of those factors was water temperature.
As you enter the fall season, air temperatures will decrease which will help slow growth. While growth will be slowed, it is still visible. Don’t be tempted to throw away product and waste time once water temps dip below 40°F. Growth will be present, but in a dormant state. Some aquatic plants, like Chara, will start to calcify and most aquatic plants will stop absorbing nutrients in these cooler water temperatures, therefore they aren’t going to absorb any product you are applying.
When conditions like this occur we highly recommend focusing on preventative pond maintenance. I know this seems backward…the growth is already there… what is preventative care going to do? Preventative pond maintenance ensures the pond weeds and algae stay contained while prepping your pond for next season. We will talk more about what preventative pond maintenance looks like in next weeks post.
At the Mercy of Temps (current post)
Preventative Pond Maintenance
Winter Pond Safety Tips
For more information on pond maintenance contact the experts at Sanco.