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Control Algae

11 Apr 2011

Your backyard pond may not always be as beautiful as you would like. At times patches of green slime (algae blooms) reign supreme, ruining your pond’s attractiveness and reducing your ability to enjoy it. So how do you control algae? To control algae, you need information and knowledge first and chemicals second.

Don’t just throw some algaecide at the problem and consider it the best way to manage your pond. You are wasting money by not addressing the root cause of your algae problem. Take an inventory of the conditions surrounding your pond. There are some key areas and circumstances to look out for.

Look for ways excess nutrients, phosphorus and nitrogen, are finding their way into your pond. These chemicals are abundant in lawn fertilizers and agricultural sprays, and excess amounts of these elements fuel algae overgrowth. If you are the source of the fertilizers, then lower the amount of fertilizer you use around your pond and use beneficial pond bacteria to neutralize them.

As for agricultural sources you will have to identify the path these nutrients take to enter you pond and divert them away. If that is not possible one alternative is to construct a small pond to capture the spray runoff before it enters your main pond. Consult a pond engineer to have it constructed properly.

Once the source of your algae problem is dealt with, apply algae conservatively until you achieve a pond mostly free of algae. Some algae are actually beneficial to aquatic animals as a food source.

Sanco offers Crystal Plex as a safe and effective answer to control algae. Contact us today for more information.