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Common Pond Problems

12 May 2011

There are some common pond problems that often occur during the spring.  This is due to the unique conditions that occur in the spring.

Algae will grow all winter long, with ice cover or not, with snow cover or not.  Of course, limiting light with snow cover on ice will reduce the amount of algae growing in the winter, but it will not eliminate it.  A late fall dye applications will also reduce the amount of algae formed over the winter. 

If algae is present in the spring, then it is important to realize how best to treat it.  Algae grow very slowly in cold water.  As the water warms, the algal colonies begin to grow a little faster.  Finally, the algae mats fill themselves with oxygen, break free from the bottom of the pond and appear on the surface of your pond.  In order to treat spring algae blooms, the use of chelated copper products, such as Crystal Plex, is quite useful.  Crystal Plex can be applied above the algae, even with temperatures very cool, but not freezing.  Crystal Plex will maintain its molecular suspension until the algae becomes active enough to take it in and die. 

Of course, late fall doses of pond dyes, such as Crystal Blue, and bacteria, such as Natural Pond Cleaner, will aid in reducing the amount of algae that grows over the winter.  The application of both in early spring will also inhibit excessive algae growth, so early application of these products just as soon as the ice comes off is recommended.

Submerged weeds generally are not around during the early spring; generally the applications of dye and bacteria will also slow down active weed growth before it even begins if done early enough.

Got muck?  Spring is an excellent time to begin treating your pond with bacteria in order to reduce the muck in your pond.  As the water warms, bacterial colonies begin to thrive and consume the sludge and muck on the bottom of your pond.  Adding Natural Pond Cleaner to the pond in early March, then adding the recommended amount once per month throughout the summer will lead to a cleaner pond.

As you can see, we have an answer for your early spring pond problems.  Get out early and head those potential problems off before they even begin to get a foothold!  For more information on solving common pond problems Contact Sanco Industries.