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Algaecide for Ponds

25 May 2011

One of the most troublesome pond problems that you can face is algae in your pond. Just dumping algaecide in your pond is not the answer. It may seem to cure your pond problem, but the underlying cause for the growth of the algae is not addressed. Properly ascertaining why you have algae in your pond is the first step to discovering a responsible pond maintenance plan.

Some algae growth is natural, and beneficial. Algae are an integral part of your pond’s ecosystem. It provides food for aquatic life. Like most things however, too much of it is bad. If you have excessive amounts of algae forming algal blooms, or coating the shallow areas with a slick film, it’s time to take action.

The primary source of algae problems is excess nutrients flowing into your pond. Any number of fertilizers and the like can find their way into your pond creating an algae “feeding frenzy”. Controlling the path of the fertilizers and diverting them away from your pond is vital to stopping your algae problems. If your pond is meant to handle nutrient run-off or simple measures are not feasible, see an engineer for ways to solve your problem.  The use of beneficial pond bacteria can also help neutralize fertilizer and will consume organic material at the bottom of you pond.

Once the root cause of your algae problem is fixed, you can treat your pond by adding Crysal PlexProper measurement is key so you use just the right amount and don’t waste excess amounts.

Sanco Industries is your source for quality pond chemicals and algaecide for your pond. We also carry pond aerators, fountains, and pond dye to make your pond shine.