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Algaecide for Ponds

10 Mar 2011

Managing your backyard pond is a whole lot easier when you have access to helpful information and quality chemicals. Pesky algae are one of the most problematic issues you will face, and you need a dependable algaecide to help control it. Algaecide for ponds is usually the final maintenance step after the sources of your infestation have been identified and dealt with.

Controlled amounts of algae are actually beneficial to the aquatic health of your pond. Fish and other animals depend on it for a food source, and its decomposition provides oxygen. An over abundance will create a cycle of algae blooms that will wreak havoc on your small pond’s ecosystem. Locating the factors that are causing your algae problem to grow is of the utmost importance.

Since algae thrive on sunlight, phosphorus and nitrogen; fertilizers are a common culprit. Look for runoff from over fertilized lawns or commercial agricultural operations. The use of beneficial pond bacteria products can help neutralize the runoff.  You may need the help of a certified pond management professional to redirect runoff away from your pond when the application of fertilizer is not under your control.

Contact the pond experts at Sanco for all your maintenance product needs including pond dyes, muck removers, and algaecide for ponds.