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Beneficial Bacteria for your Pond

21 Feb 2013
In order to properly maintain your pond, you’ll need to keep it clean and clear of unwanted nitrates, phosphates, dead vegetation, and icky muck build-up. After all, any of these things can be used to feed the plant life that’s present in your pond, including but not limited to algae and other aquatic weeds. However, by using beneficial pond bacteria, you can easily control and breakdown muck and other organic debris.

At Sanco Industries, we have a wide variety of beneficial pond cleaning products that can help you control and improve the quality of your water. These include:
  • Excavate – Excavate is our economical response to mechanical dredging. By having this ultra concentrated solution applied to the bottom of your pond, you will start to remove the deep sludge and muck deposits and be rid of up to 6 inches of muck from the bottom of your pond.
  • Muck Doctor – If you’re experiencing a large amount of muck and sludge buildup along your shores and dock areas, then Muck Doctor is the answer. Its easy application will start breaking down the muck quickly.
  • Natural Pond Cleaner – The natural bacteria that’s in our Natural Pond Cleaner will tackle light muck buildup.

If you have any questions on our pond products, we’ll be more than happy to help answer them. Simply contact us today.