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Wrapping Up the Pond Season

Seasonal temperatures will determine which pond treatments you will be able to continue.

As you enter the fall & winter seasons, air temperatures will decrease which will help slow growth. Though slowed, growth can still be visible. Don’t be tempted to throw away product and waste time once water temps dip below 40°F. Growth will be present, but in a dormant state. You may see some spots of algae, but by now most algae should have been controlled with consecutive copper treatments and continued use of pond dye and pond bacteria.

Some aquatic plants, like Chara, will start to calcify late in the season. Calcified growth will stop absorbing nutrients, and therefore product.

How do I know if my weeds are calcified? There are couple ways you will know.

  1. Weed treatments that normally work, stop working
  2. Growth is a brownish grey color on the top but still green at the base
  3. Water temps consistently dip to 40°F or below

When conditions like this occur we highly recommend focusing on preventative pond maintenance. Preventative pond maintenance ensures the pond weeds and algae stay contained while prepping your pond for upcoming warmer seasons.

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