
A beautiful pond or lake can be achieved with a little work, some knowledge, and the right products.  Pond owners that are unsatisfied with pond treatment are missing one or more of these key pieces: work, knowledge, or the right products.

Successful pond treating is largely based on a pond owner’s commitment to monitoring and treating the pond on a regular basis. Treatments will occur approximately 1-2 times a month depending on weather. Another equally important part of successful pond treating is the pond owner’s eagerness to learn about the pond care products and how they work.

Equipment: Sprayer (you can get away with a hand pump but if you have the option you may want to look into a backpack sprayer), Gloves, paddle boat/canoe. Another piece of equipment highly recommended is an aerator. Aerators will maximize your efforts and ensure your pond will have plenty of oxygen for the health of your fish.

Maintenance: Pond Dye and Beneficial Pond Bacteria - 1 gallon will treat 1 acre with an average depth of 4-6 ft deep. Pond dye is based on personal preference and this is a starting point. You will use these maintenance products every 30 days or when color fades. Just pour in several places around pond.  For thick muck deposits or for beach areas you may want to consider highly concentrated bacteria.  Use these products when ice melts to help prevent and slow down growth. Using these aquatic chemicals doesn’t guarantee you won’t get growth it simply makes it easier to get control of growth when it starts.

Curative: When you have growth you need to identify the growth so you use the appropriate product.

Use an aquatic algaecide to control many types of algae that are going to grow. 1 gallon treats 1 acre 1-2 feet deep. Treat only ½ of the pond at a time use a spray application. For example, mix 1 gallon with 1 gallon of water and spray ½ the pond, wait 5 days and do the same to the other side. Killing too much algae at one time will affect your oxygen levels causing a fish kill. Algae will turn brown in 24-48 hours.

For submerged, floating or emerged aquatic weeds you will need to use an aquatic herbicide. The type of weed will determine what type of herbicide you need and application rates will vary.

See our step-by-step pond care guide.

Check out our line of pond care products:

Picture of Ocean Blue

Ocean Blue

Turquoise Pond Dye
Picture of Plex Mate

Plex Mate

Aquatic Surfactant
Picture of Pond Booster

Pond Booster

Royal Blue Pond Dye and Bacteria Combination
Picture of Sapphire Blue

Sapphire Blue

Blue and Black Pond Dye
Picture of Tsunami DQ

Tsunami DQ

Pond Weed Killer
Weed Cutter

Weed Cutter

Pond & Lake Weed Cutting Tool